Tuesday saw us back at Universal, but this time for the Islands of Adventure. I haven’t been on a roller coaster for years, but it was Janes birthday, and how can you possibly spoil that, so whenever she said “lets go on there” I succumbed. Started off on a quite small but quick and twisty one, and worked our way up through the Dragons Duel (twice) to the “Hulk”, with the odd water splash on the way. We must have been too much for the Hulk, ‘cos it didn’t run for ages afterwards, and when it did there were no riders for the next four trips that we watched.
Legs were completely shot this time, good job they have moving walkways back to the car park.
So Wednesday was spent very quietly buying a couple of odds and sods to take back with us to UK. Flight VS028 is timed for pushback at 17.50, and it has been on time the last two days, so tomorrow we are out of here.
Sad ain’t it? The blog is not quite finished though, a few statistics will get published after a period of recuperation in the UK, depends on how long the bruises take to heal after my grandsons have finished with me!!!

The drive back to Orlando included about five drops of rain, but then the sun took over as usual. We were far too early for check in but managed to pass time with a meal and a sunbathe.
Monday saw us at Universal Studios checking out all the shows, especially The Blues Brothers, as good as they were last time I was here. All the shows are good, it all depends how old/young you are at heart. The legs were starting to have a whinge by the end of the day, and the long walk back to the car seemed to take for ever.