Thursday 20th was not raining, but there was sheet ice on the roads and pavements, and although walking was difficult we went once more to see the falls. Then it was a late breakfast and taxi to catch the 12.35 Amtrak back to NY. That finally arrived back at Penn station almost an hour late, so we didn’t get back to the RV until 10 past midnight, hungry and dog tired.
Friday 21st we set off for Washington, but were a little late getting away to battle with the traffic, took a different route out, and although it cost us in tolls, it was not as much as going into NY, ended up doing 160 miles to a place called Abingdon in Maryland.
Saturday 22nd dawned bright but cold and we set off on the 70 miles to the National Military Cemetery of Arlington, parked up and got onto a tour bus. Very good tour of Washington, together with a running commentary of who, when, what and why around the city, museums and art galleries galore, and of course the seat of the American government. Then it was nostalgia, the graves of John Kennedy, memorials to lost shuttle crews, Audie Murphy and the tomb of the unknown soldier with its 24/7 guard, together with thousands of other military personnel and families, dating back to the civil war. Didn’t leave there until 16.30 and we still had a “big shop” to do to replenish supplies, picked a campground out of the books and went for it down the I95. After turning off the freeway, going to the campground, was a Wal-Mart where we could get everything we needed, ended up “boondocking” in the carpark.
Sunday 23rd (My birfday). Opened all the cards we had been carrying for the past four months, and stuck them on the wall. Set off down the highway heading for warmer climes and found them in Wilson, North Carolina. A nice little campground, no noise, apart from the braying of the donkey, a fire ring and plenty of wood. So this ancient one, had a lovely setting to eat the steak and birthday pudding in his daft hat from a cracker, even managed a few beers.