Wednesday 16 January 2008


Arrived at the Alamo KOA site yesterday, nice campground, decent level site with squirrels, ducks and crows in abundance. Drove to the “Motorcycle Shop” owned and run by Fred Trott, an Englishman ( The shop is impressive when one enters, bikes and scooters everywhere, old and new, English and Japanese. Anyway he disappeared into his storeroom and emerged about 5 minutes later with the exact item, which he oiled up for us, and we left as very happy bunnies. It is as well that we had decided that the first day here would be a maintenance day, it rained nearly all day, well not exactly rain, more like “threw it down”. Not exactly sight seeing weather but the locals are pleased to see the rain. So the bike is on the road again, the heater valve is fitted and working, couldn’t change the thermostat without an awful lot of hassle, so will run for a while and see what happens. I did find out why the temperature gauge was not reading though. All those many moons ago when we broke down, the guy who changed the plugs knocked the connection off the transmitter, bingo. I am chuffed, and I only have four screws left over from the dashboard, so that should be OK.Guess what we are off to see the Alamo Fort tomorrow.

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