We have plenty of room in the RV, and compared to English vans, 23 feet is quite large, but when we parked up for lunch at a rest stop, it looked quite diddy amongst the monster trucks, and some people are not content to go camping they have to take the car, bike and jet ski with them. This rig was about 65 feet long, try doing a “U” turn with that.

We drove to Baton Rouge in Mississippi via New Orleans, we were told in Biloxi that it was not advisable to stay in New Orleans, as it is currently the murder capital of the USA so took the advice given. The devastation caused by hurricane Katrina over two years ago is still very much apparent. The Casinos have all been rebuilt and the large hotels, but there are so many empty plots and overgrown parking lots. All one seems to see is adverts from Estate Agents.

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