Bought a couple of “any bus, any train, anywhere tickets, for the princely sum of $25 each for one week, beats the hell out of $2 per trip. The subway is great, and I can almost understand what they are saying over the intercom.
Friday 14th caught the subway down town and did the obvious tourist bit, nearly fell over backwards gawking at the height of some of the buildings
Walked around “Ground Zero” in a very sombre mood. Nearly saw George DubbleYa, at the Hilton, pity I didn’t have his resume with me, that someone sent me via email, I could have passed it on via one of the 3–400 FBI and cops in attendance.
Saturday 15th
Caught the Staten Island Ferry and travelled the length of the island, don’t know why we bothered to do that, ‘cos when we got there, there was nothing to see. The amazing thing about the ferry is first it is free, and secondly, hundreds of people get on board and then seem to disappear. None of the decks were crowded at all, plenty of seats and space to walk around, they just appear again as the boat docks. You get a good view of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island though.
Sunday 16th we went out to Coney Island, a few things were open and operating, Jane had to go on the Roller Coaster, and I got conned into going on the Wonder Wheel. Why conned? Well it was built in the 1920’s, and I kept looking at the structure on the way round, plus the fact that it was raining with a cold wind. Back on the subway to the city centre, got virtually lost in the Rockefeller Centre looking for the ice rink, not to participate, just watch, as some middle aged Charlie strutted his stuff, he looked a right “prat”, but I don’t suppose he cared.
Monday 17th was St Patricks day as you would all know, and cause for anyone in NY to become temporarily Irish. Green everywhere, pipe bands, brass bands and marching bands moving slowly up 5th Avenue alongside Central Park. There was a bitter wind but the sun did show its face for a while, unfortunately the size of the buildings stop much of it getting to street level. Even had my hair done especially for the occasion, someone else chickened out!!
Tuesday 18th
Up early on Tuesday, the desire to surprise and shock Sue, had taken us off our route, we should have come to NY via Buffalo and seen the falls first. So got the Amtrak to Niagara, “only” a nine hours journey right across New York State. Speed is not Amtraks forte, about 65-70 most of the time, but I doubt you could beat it for legroom, seat comfort and low sound levels.
Wednesday 19th
Shock and awe, it was raining, like stair rods drilling into the lying snow, and the cloud base was about 30ft. All this way to see nothing, you can imagine how we felt. However the cloud lifted later and although it did not stop raining, it slowed to a drizzle, and we were able to see the magnificence of nature with Canada on the other side. The nicest thing you could say about Niagara town itself, is that it was “closed”, definitely a seasonal place, and it ain’t right now.
Finally we would like to thank Andrew and Angela for there hospitality, n allowing us to use there drive to park the RV whilst we were in NY. What would we have done without them?

1 comment:
just to see if you receive this comment have a good Birthday and have a drink for me sue & mike
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