Got to the garage about 11.30, again just as the tyres arrived, then it was up to them. The 3000 mile oil change was due, so arranged for that to be done as well, the upshot is that we didn’t leave the garage until 13.30 and we still had some shopping to do, but the Hoover Dam was only 27 miles – no problem.
That is when it started raining, a long gentle climb out of Vegas, then a few wiggley bits, a security check, and the dam in all its splendor came into view.
It really is a spectacular sight, and the intention was to go on a tour, but the weather and number of people put us off. It was very windy and cold outside the RV, but I did pull in to get some ace photographs, which showed how low the water level is compared with what it could, or should be. Had a quick look at the map to see where next, turned that Kingman was the next, only 67miles away, so that is where we are now.
Got here at 19.00 local time, which is the latest we had ever set up shop, and I say local time ‘cos we are now back in Arizona and had forgot we had lost an hour, so we are only seven hours behind UK now. We settled down to watch the final two episodes of Dexter (1st series), but had to delay that for ten minutes half way through. We couldn’t hear the TV, thunder and lightening, then hail and high winds, the temp dropped like a stone to about 34F, not exactly the ideal temperature for a holiday. Kingman is on the old Route 66, and we will be on that for a little while so that is another ambition achieved.