We got a players card each from reception, and the sign said “bring in your gas receipt for a free $20 play”. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, we went to put some petrol in the RV, so happens that there was a receipt already sticking out of the pump, so we had that one and our own $30 dollar fill up, then moved to the other car park for a free nights camping.
Went back to the casino and had the money put on our respective cards. We had no idea what we were playing, but soon worked out the pay system, you had to feed a dollar or a ticket into the machine before playing, then it would work on your “free” money, any winnings would be added to the moneys you put in and paid out in a token ticket when requested to be used on the next machine, or cashed out later.
Whilst playing, or pretending to play a machine, you could get free drinks from girls walking around for that purpose. Turns out that we had a great evening for the princely sum of $0, apart from the meal we had, even though we technically spent $40 between us. Barbara (my ex) had recommended that we eat in one of the Casinos called Buffalo Bills, she was spot on, we both came out of that buffet completely sated after an excellent meal. No walking between the casinos either, free shuttle bus or monorails carried you back and forth.

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