Got the tyre changed for the princely sum of $150, wow they balanced it for that as well. We both honestly thought that we would be able to just call into a large place and they would have them on the shelf. Never mind if we were not camping there, we would be camping somewhere else.
That somewhere else is now Carpinteria State Beach Park, twelve miles South of Santa Barbara, called in here on spec and got a full service site, even got a two dollar discount for being a senior, there is a first time for everything I guess. Jane is really happy, the train track is about 20 feet from the rear of the RV, and there is a train through about every two hours. Just up the road on the park grounds is a seal "rookery" where the seals comme ashore to give birth. This happens between January and May so it is actually happening now. The locals are very proud that it is here 'cos it is only one of four for this type of seal. There is also a “Fire Ring”, on our site so after some productive beachcombing, we had gathered what we thought was enough wood for the evening, however, we did need to make a further trip onto the beach in order to keep the “home fires burning” whilst we made our way through a case of Budweiser (a scientific experiment one must advise), to confirm the temperature at which aluminium melts.One small incident made one of us laugh, and the other wince, when a nut about half the size of a walnut dropped on my head.

What difference a night makes, when I turned in the RV was rocking in the wind even though the stabilisers were under the rear supports, this morning the sun is shining and the wind has turned through 180 and is negligible. The sea is now quite smooth,
not angry like yesterday.
Bolsa Chica State Beach Park on the Pacific Coast Highway has been our base for the past four days. Nodding donkeys on the inland side pumping oil then Huntington Beach town and in the distance the snow topped Gabriel Mountains, on the other the beach and surf sea. We had to order the tyre so have had to wait for it to arrive, but the time has not been wasted, have done a large food shop again and have “T”cut and polished the cab of the RV, it looks quite sparkly. Went to a place called Ralphs to shop, they offered a discount card, and all you have to do is give your name and sign a form. When we came to pay the bill, we had saved $29 just by carrying out that simple act. We did the same at a Safeways a few days ago and saved $35, no doubt by the time we are finished there will be a stack of cards to look through before we shop. Of course the 5th was Pancake Tuesday, so we went to an IHOP for breakfast. That is an International House of Pancakes if you do not know, we only managed 6 each though, along with eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, syrup etc. So you see we are with you guys in UK in spirit.When we get going again the intention is to stick to route one, which is the coast road all the way up California to San Francisco, what happens after that probably depends on the weather. By the way, Postman Pat is alive and well, living in virtually every American town. The diddy vans are the post delivery vans, and immediately strike you as PP’s
What difference a night makes, when I turned in the RV was rocking in the wind even though the stabilisers were under the rear supports, this morning the sun is shining and the wind has turned through 180 and is negligible. The sea is now quite smooth,
not angry like yesterday.
Bolsa Chica State Beach Park on the Pacific Coast Highway has been our base for the past four days. Nodding donkeys on the inland side pumping oil then Huntington Beach town and in the distance the snow topped Gabriel Mountains, on the other the beach and surf sea. We had to order the tyre so have had to wait for it to arrive, but the time has not been wasted, have done a large food shop again and have “T”cut and polished the cab of the RV, it looks quite sparkly. Went to a place called Ralphs to shop, they offered a discount card, and all you have to do is give your name and sign a form. When we came to pay the bill, we had saved $29 just by carrying out that simple act. We did the same at a Safeways a few days ago and saved $35, no doubt by the time we are finished there will be a stack of cards to look through before we shop. Of course the 5th was Pancake Tuesday, so we went to an IHOP for breakfast. That is an International House of Pancakes if you do not know, we only managed 6 each though, along with eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, syrup etc. So you see we are with you guys in UK in spirit.When we get going again the intention is to stick to route one, which is the coast road all the way up California to San Francisco, what happens after that probably depends on the weather. By the way, Postman Pat is alive and well, living in virtually every American town. The diddy vans are the post delivery vans, and immediately strike you as PP’s
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